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10 Sticky Notes We Need to Read Every Morning for the Rest of the Month


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
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10 Sticky Notes We Need to Read Every Morning for the Rest of the Month

Where you ultimately end up greatly depends on your daily attitude and response.

This morning one of our clients, Monica — a sufferer of a fairly recent and debilitating car accident — was smiling from ear to ear the minute our FaceTime coaching session began. “What has you in such good spirits today?” I asked her. “I’m thinking better about things today — about how lucky I am to be alive,” she replied. “I thought the injuries I sustained in that accident earlier this year signified the end of life as I know it, but now I realize they signify the beginning.”

All details aside, Monica decided to begin again, in her mind first and then in her life. It’s taken her several months of healing and practice, but she has gradually let go of the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” attachments in her head about her circumstances. And she has stepped forward with grace, determination, and a healthy mindset.

Let’s follow Monica’s lead and practice thinking better starting today, so we can begin to build momentum as we move forward through the rest of March, and beyond… (more…)
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